Mediation at Court

Almost always, the Courts require parties in a Court case to go to mediation.

Most of the time, this happens early.

Much of the time, it results in settlement.

I have no statistics on this, but in my experience something like 65% of all cases settle early, at a Court mediation.

The remainder (approx 30% of all cases) settle by way of:

  • correspondence between the parties' lawyers; and
  • informal meetings between parties/lawyers at their offices.

Our civil court system is geared towards a mediated outcome.

This includes requiring parties/ lawyers to lodge documents with the Court.

Statements of Claim and Statements of Defence are necessary for each side to assess the case, for decision-making about settlement.

Read these booklets/ factsheets/ webpages put out by the Courts, explaining their mediation programs:

Magistrates Court of WA

District Court of WA

Supreme Court of WA